Bowenwork After Care Instructions
The Three W's- Water, Walk, Wait
Drink plenty of WATER in the next 48hours.
WALK around if you have been sitting for longer than 1/2hour. Take a longer, 20-30minute, walk each day, to integrate the changes.
The session will be more effective if you WAIT 5 days after your session before receiving any other bodywork.
Avoid using hot or cold packs after a session.
Use apple cider vinegar, or other topical ointments for pain or inflammation.
Do the self-care exercises given for your condition.
Self-care Bowenwork Exercises
This is one of the first Bowenwork Aftercare Exercises I give to clients. This exercise is great for addressing low back and hip tightness and helps to balance the two halves of the pelvis.
I encourage clients to explore the movement quality with a sense of curiosity, noticing the first barrier of tension.
After receiving Bowenwork's Hamstring Procedure, this movement helps stretch the hamstrings using the nervous system and the opposing muscles of the quads and hip flexors.
Make sure to do the easier side first.
This can also be used as gentle dynamic warm up for the lower body. I encourage my clients to perform this in the mornings before going for a walk.
The Bowenwork Shoulder Exercise is great for stiff shoulders and folks with frozen shoulder if they can lift their arm to 90 degrees without pain. This should not cause any pain, if it does stop and consult your doctor or the Bowenwork practitioner that you are working with.
After receiving the Bowenwork Psoas Procedure to loosen the psoas muscle, clients are given this activity to help them activate their psoas muscles. If given this as part of your home program, remember that good form is important and there should not be any pain with this movement.